CH MACH5 PACH3 Harewood Lakesyde Cup of Cheer


Asti came to me even though I adamantly said there was no way I was a “terrier” person. But when someone sends you a picture of a teeny tiny puppy curled up in the palm of your hand it gets very hard to say no! Thankfully I said yes, and Asti showed me just how awesome being a “terrier” person could be. She was born on December 12th, 2011 and was bred by Madeline Peterson of Harewood Fox Terriers.

I brought her home less than a week after losing my “heart dog” unexpectedly to hermangio. I’d already committed to getting Asti and I decided to move forward with it in the hopes a puppy could help heal my broken heart. Asti ended up getting the “short end of the stick” in the beginning because my heart just wasn’t into doing “dog stuff” at that time. She got to grow up with me and was a loving pet, but I neglected the foundation training I ordinarily would have normally instilled. Despite me not putting in any effort in the beginning she turned into quite a little agility dog and we have shared so many “firsts” together over the years.

She started her agility career at about 2 years old and was a wild little thing. We have struggled with our contact performance but we’ve managed to work through it and squeak by. She has finished 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 as the #1 Smooth Fox Terrier in the United States. She is the first dog I have earned a MACH with and she has gone on to earn 5 MACH titles and 2 PACH titles!

In 2018 we made the Westminster Kennel Club Agility Finals and got to represent Smooth Fox Terriers everywhere with our 50 seconds of fame on National TV! It was an awesome experience and I was so thrilled to get to showcase this wonderful breed that no one knows about! We had so many Facebook Posts/Messages and Emails from all over the world in so many different languages congratulating us and saying they’d seen us on TV.

We have competed at the AKC Agility Invitational for 7 Years in a row now and have an amazing time there each year. It is definitely my “favorite” event and I look forward to going every year and seeing all our Smooth Fox Terrier friends from around the country! I am so thankful I decided to become a “terrier person” after all!

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