Ammo On The No Fly List At Rifka


Kiwi was born on December 27th, 2021.

Kiwi joined Rifka Retrievers from our good friends at Ammo! Kiwi’s grandfather, Amos, is the reason I have Fahren. I fell in love with him the first time I met him and said I wanted a golden just like him [insert the reason I have Fahren]. When the opportunity came to co-own a bitch puppy that goes back to Amos we welcomed her to our pack as Pancetta needed a puppy near her age to grow up with.

Kiwi is the easiest dog to live with! She has a perfect on/off switch and is an old soul who has always been “wise beyond her years”. She fits right in and she and Pancetta are BFFs. With limited training and showing she has debuted in agility and hit the ground running, completely un-phased by the busy trial environment. She is super biddable and always ready to learn but is completely content to snuggle on the couch all day too if that is what the day calls for! Kiwi is approximately 20.5” tall and weighs about 45 lbs. She loves to swim and retrieve and we are hoping to get her Junior Hunter title next spring.

Kiwi is co-owned with Nicole Debernardi and Brian Foltz of Ammo Retrievers.

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