Rifka Bacon Wrapped Bullet


Pancetta was born on December 2nd, 2020.

Pancetta is out of our Baker x Fahren breeding. This combination produced puppies with very consistent temperaments and looks across the board. Pancetta is an intense little dog with a lot of GO! She is extremely busy and always wants to be doing. She believes she is THE party and she brings that attitude with her everywhere she goes! She has the biggest personality of any dog I’ve owned and she is quite the comedian. Regardless of what is going on you really can’t bring her down, she just thinks every single thing about life is the best thing ever from the time she springs out of bed in the morning to the time she finally gives up and goes to sleep in the evening.

We just started her competition agility career in 2023 and she made quick work of the lower-level classes. She started running at the AKC Master level Fall of 2023 and we are working on figuring out our teamwork and timing. She loves everyone and everything and has a super fun personality that keeps us laughing all day. We are very excited to watch her grow up and hope to also dabble in Hunt Tests, Rally, and Obedience.

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